Sustainable & Ethical
Experiential Learning is quite simply learning through experience.
This teaching philosophy recognises that not all students succeed in a classroom environment. Instead, we take students outside of the classroom for a hands-on experience that challenges them and requires the use of practical problem-solving skills to extend their learning.
Elements of Experiential Learning Activities
Experiential learning differs slightly in its approach from other teaching methods, and considers the following programme elements as being key to successful learning:
Student Focused
Experiential learning takes into consideration the needs of individuals
Direct experience
Students get to purposefully engage in a challenging experience from which they can draw meaning.
How a student feels and reflects on a subject is valued as much as their ability.
Focus on Process
How a student arrives at an answer is as important as the answer itself.
Guided reflection and analysis after the learning experience positively impacts their decision-making ability when it comes to real-life situations.

Get our safety documents
We have a comprehensive Safety Management System and supporting documentation. If you require documentation or further information, specific to your programme at Whenua Iti Outdoors, please contact us.
Interested in a programme?
Simply fill out our booking enquiry form (it doesn't take long!) and we will get back to you really soon with some programme suggestions and any further information you might need.