Tourism Operations (Level 3)

Students get to really experience tourism through the lens of clients, local tourism business owners and as an employee. You will visit a range of tourism operators, understand the different roles within these businesses and learn key skills to equip you for working within this dynamic and leading NZ industry. The content of the programme represents the basis for an engaging and experiential learning experience.

Course Aim:

Experience and learn about Aotearoa unique tourism attractions and how they are managed. Students will come away with knowledge of key skills required for working within the service industry. The tourism sector has undergone unprecedented change in recent times. Find out what this means for the domestic and international tourism industries. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the unique attractions of different regions of Te Tau Ihu (Top of the South Island), experience these services first-hand and practice key skills required for this industry and the world of work.

Learning Objectives

Students will have the opportunity to achieve academic learning objectives that contribute to their National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) and develop crucial personal and social development skills.

Personal and Social Development Objectives:

Personal and social skills are transferable to any chosen career pathway and are considered essential skills by employers.

  • Increasing willingness to learn
  • Understanding and assuming personal responsibility
  • Developing belief in self and increasing confidence
  • Developing a positive attitude
  • Recognising and developing potential
  • Developing resilience skills (coping with challenge and change)
  • Developing positive communication skills

Course Outline & Assessments:

Course outline including academic learning objectives – Tourism Operations Level 3

For course specific assessments talk to your school Trades Academy coordinator or email

Use links below to explore related courses and pathway options:

To view all Whenua Iti Outdoors Trades Academy programmes and a pathway diagram go to further resources section below.

From not knowing these people to not wanting to say goodbye. Having amazing tutors to guide us through these new experiences and always knowing we were going to be safe. The trips were also outstanding – Tourism Operations student

Further resources

| Secondary School Programmes | Download our full programme brochure

| Trades Academy Programmes | Whenua Iti Outdoors (WIO) Trades Academy options

| Programme Pathways Diagram| WIO Trades Academy programme pathways

| Tourism | link to Careers NZ Tertiary Training and Career information

Key Components:

  • Tourism
  • Trades

Open to:

Year 12-13 students

NCEA Level:
20 Level 3 credits


Four one-week blocks (Mon-Thurs)


Residential block course (includes overnights)


Tasman / Nelson / Marlborough


Zero cost to students. Funded by the Ministry of Education.


2020 Intake:
Week 1: 24 – 27 February
Week 2: 9 – 12 March
Weeks 3-4*: Delivery dates vary by region, refer to your School Trades Academy Coordinator for details.

*Dates changed due to Covid-19.


Dates may be subject to change.
Some academic objectives may change to align with assessment changes.


  • NCEA

Qualified Educators

You're in safe hands. Our friendly & highly professional educators are expert facilitators, fully trained with recognised outdoor industry qualifications and experience.

Accredited Providers

We are accredited with the NZ Qualifications Authority and all programs align with the NZ Curriculum key competencies.

Safety Comes First

We are a registered provider of Adventure Activities with Worksafe NZ, and are Safety audit certified with OutdoorsMark.

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