Motueka Vocational Pathways

Are you a local youth looking for meaningful work?

The Motueka Vocational Pathway (MVP) programme has been established in recognition of the challenges of transitioning into the workforce that face a number of young people. The MVP programme will focus on building participants work-ready skills and will also provide a supported transition into a nominated workplace.

What will the Programme be Like?

The programme will include a mix of learning and activities designed to strengthen participants employability skills, these include: Positive attitude, self-management, thinking skills, communication skills, teamwork, willingness to learn and resilience.

Whenua Iti Outdoors will work with participants and local employers to support a successful transition into work.

Want to find out more?

Whenua Iti are contracted by MSD to offer this programme and we do not have any scheduled courses for 2021 yet.  We recommend getting in touch with community office to find out about MSD range of local work brokerage services.

Please contact Amy or Judy at Motueka MSD office: 03 907 0235
Phone: 03 907 0235  /
MSD – Motueka Community Link, 236 High Street, P O Box 246 Motueka 7143

Are you a business in Motueka that can offer work placements?

We are seeking local, community-minded businesses from the Motueka area who are able to provide work placements, preferably with future work opportunities for graduates of the programme.

Our goal is for students to devleop their skills through the experience of different working environments across our region. Whenua Iti Outdoors will work closely with you from the outset to establish the best pathways to employment for a graduate of the MVP project for the summer season (and hopefully longer).         

If this sounds like something your business can support, please get in touch to register your interest with us.

Key Components:

  • Health & Wellbeing

Open to:

Ages 18-30, currently receiving support from MSD


4 weeks, Mon - Thurs, 9am - 3pm + 2 weeks workplace mentoring


Day programmes & work placements


Whenua Iti Outdoors / Motueka / Surrounding Areas


Zero cost for MSD clients. Lunch included.


2021 Dates to be confirmed

To register your interest in this programme please contact:

Amy or Judy
Motueka MSD office
Phone: 03 907 0235
Motueka Community Link,
236 High Street, Motueka




Qualified Educators

You're in safe hands. Our friendly & highly professional educators are expert facilitators, fully trained with recognised outdoor industry qualifications and experience.

Accredited Providers

We are accredited with the NZ Qualifications Authority and all programs align with the NZ Curriculum key competencies.

Safety Comes First

We are a registered provider of Adventure Activities with Worksafe NZ, and are Safety audit certified with OutdoorsMark.

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