Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning or learning through action and reflection is the teaching platform that underpins all ExpedNZ programs.
Students develop real-world knowledge and skills through active, hands-on learning. By taking the time to reflect on their experiences, the learning impact is magnified and enduring. Let us take your students on a journey of discovery, allowing them to connect with nature, to other cultures and most importantly to connect with themselves.
Why Choose Experiential Learning?
The lessons we take from experiential learning activities can be applied more broadly to life in general. They form the basis of key steps in personal and social growth. The growing body of research outlines the many benefits of experiential learning which include:
- Experiential learning better engages the learner, maintaining focus and motivation.
- Learners are encouraged to generate learning on their own, which builds confidence and sense of ownership of their learning.
- Experiential education focuses on creating a positive emotional environment which results in happier and more engaged learners.
Elements of Experiential Learning Activities
Experiential learning differs slightly in its approach from other teaching methods, and considers the following programme elements as being key to successful learning:
Student Focused
Experiential learning takes into consideration the needs of individuals
Direct experience
Students get to purposefully engage in a challenging experience from which they can draw meaning.
How a student feels and reflects on a subject is valued as much as their ability.
Focus on Process
How a student arrives at an answer is as important as the answer itself.
Guided reflection and analysis after the learning experience positively impacts students' decision-making ability when it comes to real-life situations.


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